Hello World program in Ruby language

Writing a Hello World program in Ruby is as simple as writing a single line in a file as

puts 'Hello World'

Run the Ruby program

Create a file name as hello.rb in your favorite editor or through command line editor like vim.

Although, you can give any name to file. I have used hello. By convention, Ruby source files have .rb file extension.

Then, type following line in the file:

puts 'Hello World' # or puts "Hello World"
Ruby uses '#' symbol as single line comment.

Run the program in the terminal or shell as:

ruby hello.rb

Show Output

Hello World
Congrats! You just wrote your first program in Ruby.

Quiz - Hello World

Ruby uses // for for single line comments?

1. true
2. false

We use .ruby as our extension for Ruby programs.

1. true
2. false

Key points to understand

  • File extension of Ruby program is .rb
  • To print strings into the standard output (i.e terminal), you can use puts, which means “put string”.
  • # is used as comment operator